Rie Kawakami

Steel sheet, cut and polished 100 x 74x 138 cm. 2015 "The work is to express the memories of time passage in the stone over its presented space at Villa Savoye. With the complex entanglement of positive and negative shape, exchange of light and shadow are to visualize inherent energy that has been happening for vast years."

Steel 4350×9395×2700 ㎜. "The idea for this work is to portray the human will as a life form. During the show, this wire form changes when people are willing to bend the wire and pass through it. Each time they do, the form evolves. The work will become whole at the end of the exhibit, when the wire structure can finally represent the accumulated will of people."

Steel sheet, cut and polished 100 x 74x 138 cm. 2015 "The work is to express the memories of time passage in the stone over its presented space at Villa Savoye. With the complex entanglement of positive and negative shape, exchange of light and shadow are to visualize inherent energy that has been happening for vast years."
Rie Kawakami is the 2007-2008 artist in residence at the BAR. Rie earned her MFA from the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts & Music. Her work is focused mainly on metal sculpture. Rie has had several solo shows around the world, but mostly emanating from her home in Japan.
Rie Kawakami’ s work is about expressing respect, anxiety and mystery against transcendent time and power in nature. She mainly uses steel material to produce sculpture, installation, and Site-specific art to visualize energy inherent in the object and space. She also produces interactive art that express metaphor of Macro form consist of individual’ s action. After studied at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, She has exhibited in numerous locations in the world including a group exhibition’ s work “Zero Gravity” at The National Art Center, Tokyo in 2013.